πŸ’°Claim Creator's Share

If you are a creator, this should be your goal.

As a creator, this is your ultimate goalβ€”earning rewards after successfully pumping your coin.

What is Creator's Share?

The standard creator share is up to 10% of circulating token supply, earned in increments of 1% of the circulating supply each time the SOL attributed to the original LP increases by multiples of the fundraising amount.

In addition to the standard rewards, creators can also claim additional SOL collected from Anti-Snipe Mode (ASM), available to claim in real-time after 90 seconds.

To learn more about how anti-snipe mode works, please refer to Anti-Snipe Mode (ASM)

Creator Rewards Timeline:

You can stake in your own project even as a creator.

You can also choose to share your creator identity through an NFT, which will split the creator shares according to the ratio you set.

How to Claim Creator's Share

You can claim your creator's share every 12 hours on the token detail page, provided the token has met the creator unlock criteria.

Last updated