💲Why Stake

Staking can be your new hobby.

We believe Moonke.biz offers the best investment opportunities on the market. Here's why staking on Moonke.biz is a smart choice:

  1. No Rug Pulls and Flexible Investment: Unlike other launchpads that reply on the same flawed bonding curve mechanism, Moonke.biz eliminates the intrinsic risk of rug pulls. When you invest in token proposals at a fixed price, your investment directly contributes to bootstrapping liquidity. If you change your mind, you can withdraw your funds anytime before the token launches on Raydium.

  2. Win Big and Lose Little: Regardless of the token's performance, you are guaranteed to always get your stakes back. Moonke.biz employs a two-stage process at the end of each token's lifecycle that guarantees your investment. If the token performs well and meets the unlock criteria, you will receive rewards worth nearly double your investment in tokens and SOL. Plus, you'll have a chance to get bonus rewards from Anti-Snipe Mode (ASM). If the token fails to meet the bottom line, you will be refunded your exact stakes. Please refer to Stages for details.

  1. Gain Recognition: We keep records of your contributions to the token. If you help fund the next big project, you'll be proud to have your name recognized when people mention the project.

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