
The 4-stage rule is built to guarantee your investment back.

Moonke.biz employs a 4-stage rule for all memecoin proposals, ensuring each project has ample time to grow within a comparatively safer and fairer trading environment. This approach protects stakers, creators, and Raydium retail traders from significant capital loss.

Here are details of each stage:

Stage 1: Crowdfunding

This is the investing stage for stakers after a memecoin proposal is created. Any new token will remain in this stage until the proposal fundraising target goal is met.

Stage 2: Trading on Raydium

This is the trading stage before unlock criteria is met.

Anti-snipe mode will auto-detect snipe bots and potential suspicious buyers during the first 90 seconds after the launch. If more than 10% of the circulating supply is sold, the protocol will sell additional tokens to the pool, generating SOL for creators, stakers and the platform.

Stage 3: Staker Unlock & Creator Unlock

This is the trading and claiming stage after the unlock criteria is met.

Stakers Unlock Criteria: 5x SOLs of the initial fundraising goal in the pool

Platform will withdraw 20% of the liquidity and distribute to stakers. The remaining LP tokens will be burned.

Creator Unlock: At 5x, 6x,. and up to 14x the initial SOLs of the initial fundraising goal in the pool

After the staker unlock is met, meaning the amount of SOLs attributed to the original LP increases by a multiple of the fundraising amount, the creator will receive 1% of the circulating supply for each multiple reached. These rewards can be redeemed every 12 hours.

Sad Stage: Refunding

This is the refunding stage. This stage occurs under two conditions:

  1. The token has not reached the Unlock Criteria within 30 days.

  2. The token's trading volume in the past 24 hours is less than 5% of the liquidity.

During this stage, the original stake will be returned to stakers. Tokens withdrawn from the pool and the LP tokens will be burned. Creators will no longer be able to redeem the creator's share at the stage.

Last updated